Holistic Learning of Maui

Courses and Special Events

We are committed to the highest quality instruction with state-of-the-art information.

Our Annual Day of Self Care and Self Renewal

This event is coming up! This is a day of meditation, self care reiki, journaling, sound therapy, floating and enjoying a vegan lunch.

Date: March 14, 2025
Time: 9:30am - 2:00pm
Cost: $200

Water Therapy Course: Introduction to the benefits of Floating

This two hour class introduces you to the benefits of self care floating.

Learn how to meditate in water and release physical and emotinal stress. 

Date: TBD (Check back for 2025 dates)
Time: 9:30 – 11:30 AM
Location: Holistic Learning Center of Maui, Launiupoko, Lahaina 96761
Cost: $85

A Holistic Approach to the Emotional Freedom Technique: Tapping through the Meridians for Emotional Release – An Online Class

Learn how to tap through your meridians to release negative emotions such as fear, anger and guilt. Your sympathetic nervous system protects you by going into “fight or flight” mode, and tapping assists with releasing the stuck emotions in your body that may cause pain, sleeplessness, anxiety, and depression. Releasing these emotions and replacing them with positive affirmations supports recovery and assists you in reaching your highest potential.

Instructor: Susan Varsames, HLC of Maui Owner, Educator, Reiki Master and CranioSacral Therapist. Susan’s bio can be read here.

Susan uses EFT with children and adults. She will provide examples, literature to read, several handouts and diagrams so you are able to use this technique immediately.

Online Class:
Duration: 2.5 hours
Cost: $99

Introduction to Applied Behavioral Analysis – An Online Class

Applied Behavior Analysis, or ABA, is the hands on application of the theories of behaviorism as they relate to educational or adaptive skill acquisition. ABA as an instructional approach is often utilized to address the specific cognitive, social, and language skill areas for children with specialized learning needs and is recommended as the primary means of treatment for children on the Autistic Spectrum. Instruction is individualized following an assessment of the student’s skill to identify areas of strength and areas of need. Specific goals are determined and the objectives necessary to arrive at the successful acquisition of those skills are initiated.

The use of ABA in skill acquisition is not limited to academic skills but can also be incorporated into play activities, social skills and self help activities. The use of ABA techniques is also not limited by diagnosis or age. It is the skill of the practitioner that dictates its use and its effective application to the individual learner. Instruction often combines discrete trial presentation of skills along with opportunities to generalize skills within a more naturalistic play or daily routine activity.

During an ABA lesson, the following is utilized:


In order to ensure that students move from gathering skills with prompts to independent skill demonstration, it is necessary to systematically reduce prompts and reinforcers quickly, as the child skill level dictates. This movement from “ritual to repertoire” makes learning fun and eliminates the “robotic” stereotype behaviors that people often associate with ABA.

Susan Varsames, M.A. Ed., Director of the Holistic Learning Center and the educational staff function as the primary educators providing ABA services at the center. Some professional special educators are working for the center, and provide homebound services as well as services in the center. To learn more about Susan and the other staff, click on their bios. All our educators have been utilizing the principles of ABA for many years in the classroom and in the home setting with both toddler and elementary school aged children with specialized learning needs.

Duration: 8 hours
Cost: $450 Non-CTLE Credit / $792 for 8 CTLE Credits
Once payment is received, a link to your video course will be sent.


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Reiki Level 1 Certification

Holistic Learning Center of Maui, LLC is offering this training as a two day, back to back daytime course. Participants practice for 30 hours and meet with the Reiki Master before receiving certification.

Dates: November 14 and 15, 2024
Time:  9:00 AM – 2:30 PM
Location: Holistic Learning Center of Maui, Launiupoko, Lahaina 96761



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Reiki Level 2 Certification

This is a two day course and, after the course, participants practice for 30 hours and meet with the Reiki Master before receiving certification.

Must have completed Reiki Level 1 Certification to take this course.

(Total instruction time is 10 hours, one half hour break each day.)

Dates: February 6 and 7, 2025
Time:  9:00 AM – 2:30 PM
Location: Holistic Learning Center of Maui, Launiupoko, Lahaina 96761


Reiki Level Two Certification

Antecedent Management Strategies and Deescalation Procedures: How to Avoid Explosive Behaviors and How to Integrate Students Back Into Class Routines Post Episodes – An Online Class

This 90 minute 1.5 credit CTLE class will focus on:

• Understanding how class structure impacts classroom behavior
• Understanding systems that increase the likelihood of prosocial behavior and decrease maladaptive behavior
• Curriculum to teach appropriate school social skills
• How to speak, act and follow up during crisis intervention moments, and
• Systems for reintegrating students into productive school routines post explosive episodes

You may participate in class without acquiring CTLE units, it is optional.
For credit, a quiz will be sent to you and graded. You must pass with an 80% grade for credit.

Duration: 90 minutes
Cost:  $148.50
Once payment is received, your link and password will be sent.

Understanding the Student with Autistic Spectrum Disorders – An online course

Exploring language disorders, behavioral disorders and socialization difficulties, understanding sensory processing disorder and how students perceive stimuli for the purposes of environmental and teaching strategy modifications

Duration: 3 Hours
Cost:  $297
Once payment is received, a link to your video course will be sent.

New Event: Primordial Sound Meditation Training

Using the time, date and location of your birth, your individualized mantra will be given to you based on a formula from ancient times. The earth vibrates at individualized frequencies depending upon the angle of the moon. That sound that was being emitted at the time of your birth becomes your personalized mantra.

This is a four session class that can be taken online or in person.
Each class is 1 – 1.5 hours each class.

Chopra Meditation is a time-tested meditation technique dating back thousands of years to the Vedic traditions of India. Drs. Chopra and Simon have revived this ancient process and made it available in a format that is easy for anyone to learn.

Our certified meditation instructors have the knowledge and skills to teach Primordial Sound Meditation, the most powerful tool we have for experiencing the profound peace and expanded awareness that lies beyond the mind’s noisy thought traffic.

You can easily learn Chopra Meditation in four short sessions spaced over a period of just a few days. The process unfolds as follows:

Session One: Your Chopra certified meditation instructor will introduce you to the basic principles of meditation, including its history and the importance of your mantra.

Session Two: You will receive personal instruction in your Primordial Sound mantra and learn how to use it. You will also experience your first meditation practice using your Primordial Sound mantra.

Session Three: In this session you will learn more about the healing benefits meditation creates for the mind and body. You will have an opportunity to share your experiences and get answers to any questions that have come up for you so far in your new meditation practice. The session concludes with a meditation guided by your instructor.

Session Four: In the final session, you will learn more about the higher states of consciousness that can be achieved with regular Chopra Meditation practice. Your instructor will share Deepak Chopra’s vision of these higher states.

Chopra Meditation is recommended for anyone who wishes to enjoy deeper peace, greater freedom, and mastery of life.

Dates: January 27 & 28, 2025

12:00 – 2:00 PM HST (Online Class). Adjust your time zone accordingly. A Zoom link will be sent to you after registration.
6:00 – 8:00 PM (In Person Class)

Online Class $200
In Person Class $250

Sessions can be individualized for your corporation or event.
Most will be two days, 3 hours each day with a break in between.
Group rates are available:
10 attendees $2200, 20 attendees $4000

Call 808-222-7981 to arrange.


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