We are committed to the healing process, on any or all levels. For appointments and directions call 808-222-7981.
CranioSacral Therapy
What is CranioSacral Therapy?
CranioSacral Therapy or CST is a manual treatment of light touch that treats and releases tensions deep in the body. These deep tensions may occur anywhere in the body and can be released through light tough thus feeling the nervous system of pain and dysfunction. In turn, the body then is able to self heal and pain is eliminated, resistance to disease is improved, and general health and well being is achieved. At the Holistic Learning Center of Maui, Susan Varsames is the treating therapist. She is trained by the Upledger Institute, and has taken Introduction to CST, CSTI, CSTII, Somato-Emotional Release, Visceral Manipulation 1, CST for Pediatrics, Introduction to Lymph Drainage, and Bio Aquatics (for Dolphin Assisted Therapy in the Bahamas).
How does this treatment work?
CST recognizes the craniosacral rhythm in the body. Your brain and spinal cord are encased in two porous membranes filled with cerebrospinal fluid called the dura mater and the pia mater. This fluid protects the brain and spinal cord from physically touching the bone matter of the skull and the vertebrae and it hydrates all organs as well as clears them from toxins. This fluid has a rhythm of its own that has a filling and an emptying phase. The symmetry, quality, amplitude, and rate of this movement is evaluated at several situations in the body to determine problem areas. If there is tension in the system, the flow fluid is decreased and the system does not work efficiently to hydrate and clear the organs. By feeling and monitoring the flow of the craniosacral fluid throughout the nervous system, the nervous system, the therapist can use gentle touch to locate the problem areas and release any compromised areas. In addition, the sutures of the skull can easily become compressed after a physical assault such as a blow to the head, forcep delivery, or even vigorous dental treatments. These compressions disrupt the meninges, or the connective tissue of the central nervous system. This affects brain function. For example, compression of the right temporoparietal suture is associated with dyselxia; compression on the left is associated with dyscalculia (trouble calculating). Compression of the occipital condyles is associated with hyperkinetic behavior and difficulties attending and concentrating. This is assessed and addressed so that optimal learning and functionality can be restored.
What does a session look like and what is the cost?
The patient is fully clothed on a massage table, face up. The touch is very gentle, with the weight of the touch at about 5 grams (like the weight of a nickel on your skin). Sessions for children are 30-60 minutes. Usually, no matter how busy a child is, they enjoy the sessions and are relaxed enough to stay still on the massage table. Most sessions for older children and adults are 60 minutes. Shorter sessions are rated accordingly. Multi-packages are available for a discounted price and gift certificates are available as well. Call for details.
What conditions does CST address?
- Learning Disabilities
- Autism
- Stress
- Migraines
- Chronic Fatigue
- Scoliosis
- Chronic Pain
- Tinnitus
- Motor Coordination Concerns
- Injuries
- …and many other conditions
Reiki Sessions and Certification Classes

A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.
The Holistic Learning Center offers the following Reiki courses
Aquatic Therapy
Imagine floating in a 91 degree salt water pool with CranioSacral therapy techniques. This is just dreamy! Experience the deep relaxation and profound benefits that many clients say, ‘I have never experienced anything like this.’
BEMER Sessions
Do you want to experience a therapy that will relax you to a whole new level of calm and focus? At the same time, your body is being revitalized with oxygen, nutrients and releasing metabolic waste?
Experience BEMER Technology at Well On The Way
Relaxing and Revitalizing sessions are now available!
Don’t you agree that whatever is going on with you, it is exacerbated by stress? Then you will want to experience BEMER technology. As it improves blood flow, reinvigorates your tissues with oxygen, and removes metabolic waste, the effects of stress are minimized and your well-being is enhanced. Who doesn’t want enhanced well-being, clarity of mind that relaxation brings, more energy? It just doesn’t get any better than that, now does it?
What is BEMER Technology?
Simply put, BEMER (pronounced BEAM-er) is a clinically-proven device that provides vascular therapy, improving blood flow. BEMER does this through a patented wave form that activates and delivers oxygenation and hydration to your body. It increases blood flow, CSF and lymph circulation, removes toxicities, improves ATP, increases immune function, regulates the Autonomic Nervous System, and helps support sleep and healthy detoxification.. In fact, BEMER is one of the most researched methods of enhanced blood flow, oxygen and nutrient delivery in the world! Your body needs healthy levels of oxygen and nutrients. Without them, your cells cannot work properly, resulting in less energy and increased acidity in the body.
BEMER in Professional & Athletic Settings
BEMER research is documented in over 50 medical publications. It is an FDA registered medical device with 5 international patents. NASA is working with BEMER technology for our astronaut spacesuits! Medical Doctors and Health practitioners (Chiropractors, Dentists, Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists, and Veterinarians) use BEMER in their offices around the globe!
In addition, many Professional athletes rely on BEMER’s cardiovascular benefits to enhance their training and competition.
There are over 1 million BEMER users Worldwide!
BEMER for Home Use
An increasing number of people are purchasing BEMER units for home use, to ensure continuous and cumulative benefits. You can purchase a unit through us at WellOnTheWay.BEMERgroup.com. BEMER is easy to operate and can be used by the whole family.
What are BEMER sessions like?
BEMER technology for the whole familyIt’s so simple. Lay comfortably on the body mat for 8 minutes, close your eyes and relax. That’s it!
Depending on your health concerns, applicators can be applied directly to the area of concern, like your back, knees, arms or legs, for an additional 8-20 minutes.
Wear your normal clothing, and remove your shoes.
Benefits of One single session
Many people experience immediate benefits from a single session — increased energy, relaxation, better sleep, and relief from discomfort. Regular users can see even more dramatic results with two 8-minute body mat sessions per day.
Benefits of regular sessions
Most people experience some level of compromised blood flow. This can be due to a variety of causes, ranging from exposure to toxins, a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, aging and inflam
mation. However, the simple action of using BEMER technology on a regular basis adds up to some a very profound impact on the body, including:
- Increased oxygen, nutrients and immune cells into organs and tissues
- Enhanced disposal of cellular waste and toxins
The better your blood flows, the better your body works!
Over time you may experience:
- Improved self-healing capacity of the body
- Improved cardiac and circulatory function
- Increased physical fitness and endurance
- Increases strength and energy
- Improved concentration and mental acuity
- Reduction of stress
- Improved relaxation and better quality of sleep
- And more…
Visit my BEMER shop here.
Young Living Essential Oils
The following courses are offered at no charge at the Holistic Learning Center of Maui:
- The Use of Essential Oils for Immune Support
- Ditch The Toxins: Replacing toxic household cleaners, skincare products and OTC products with toxin-free alternatives
- Essential oils for veterinary use
- Essential oils for babies and children
- Essential oils for hormonal balancing, romance, and libido
- Essential oils for emotional and behavioral support
At the Holistic Learning Center of Maui, we are committed to only using the purest products available. Young Living is the leader in essential oil research and production, and is the only company that offers the Seed To Seal guarantee. As an educator in the use of Young Living Oils you can become a member so that you can purchase all products at 24% discount. In addition, you can join our Essentially Healthy Facebook page for all your essential oil learning. To join our team use this link to become a member.
Visit Holistic Learning Center of Maui’s Facebook events page for upcoming classes.
Alternative Holistic Health Classes
Classes are designed according to requested needs along with our expertise.
Class titles have included:
- Reiki Level One for Certification, Reiki Level Two for Certification, Becoming a Reiki Master for Certification
- Emotional Freedom Technique (2 hour class)
- Mediation for Beginners
- Floating for release of tension, fear, and discomfort (two hour class)
- The use of essential oils: see Young Living Essential oils page for a complete list of classes
Parent Training & Consultation
At the Holistic Learning Center of Maui, we believe that informed and empowered parents make the best decisions as advocates. Some families make monthly appointments, some make them quarterly: your individual preferences will guide you with this decision.
Parent training can take the form of:
- Reviewing your child’s behavioral data and making recommendations for program modifications,
- Reviewing your child’s evaluations and progress reports to make recommendations for services, goals, and strategies for remediation
- Observing your child at home or in school and meeting with parents for feedback/ideas
- Working with your child directly and modeling behavioral intervention, constructive play and daily living skill acquisition strategies.
- Connecting groups of parents to come to a meeting about a specific topic such as: constructive limit setting at home, organizing your evening for productive play and homework time, increasing your child’s socialization skills with peers, or setting up your child’s financial future with estate planning and living wills. Group session topics vary depending on parent request and the latest information available related to raising children with special needs.
Behavior Intervention Services
Many students who attend the Holistic Learning Center of Maui for one-on-one services receive behavioral intervention. The goal is to increase positive behavioral outcomes through engaging the cognitive processes.
Behavior Therapies share three core concepts:
- Cognitive activity affects behavior.
- Cognitive activity can be observed, monitored, and altered/modified.
- Desired, adaptive behaviors can be increased through cognitive change and growth.
What is behavioral activity?
- Attending to stimuli, registering it, filing it with like information, and recalling it when similar antecedent conditions exist
- Learning as defined by a change in behavior as a result from experience
- Activity that combines previous information with current experience to create new patterns of behavior and a more mature/developed level of cognition
- That which occurs after the integration of information, and
- The ability to demonstrate that intellectual processing has occurred
Who offers Behavioral Intervention Services at the Holistic Learning Center of Maui?
Professionals with degrees in behavioral psychology as well as childhood education and behavioral disorders are qualified to offer Behavioral Intervention Services. When working with the pediatric population, it is important that a provider be fluent in childhood development, educational assessment, cognitive behavioral assessment and remediation. Providers hold master’s degrees in the above areas of specialization.
What types of diagnosed disorders can be treated with Behavioral Intervention Services?
Children in need of increased cognitive skills as it relates to performing increasingly adaptive responses to their environment benefit from CBT.
Behavior is defined by activity that is observable and measurable. If behaviors are maladaptive or atypical, CBT can be employed as a non-aversive strategy for remediation.
Disorders include, but are not limited to:
- Learning Disabilities
- Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- Attentional Disorders
- Apraxia
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
- Oppositional Defiance Disorders
- Global Developmental Disabilities
- Motor Delays
- Speech and Language Disorders
- Sensory Processing Disorders
- Multi-Sensory System Disorders
- Anxiety Disorders
An example of how Behavioral Intervention is used at the Holistic Learning Center of Maui with children:
In order to learn in a kindergarten class for example, one must be able to attend to appropriate stimuli, comply with directions given by teachers, maintain a calm, yet alert state of self regulation, react to spontaneous situations with problem solving and possess the understanding of cause-effect relationships. In order to problem solve, a learner must take in the information, process its meaning, and immediately review all possible options of response. Then, he/she must filter through the possible responses to determine which will produce the desired outcome. In order to generate alternative solutions, the learner must be able to conceptualize the outcomes of their actions before producing them. At that point, a choice of behaviors must be made and executed. This level of high order processing and the ability to sequence the cause-effect relationship poses significant difficulty for the learner with developmental delays/disabilities.
In a nurturing manner, problem solving strategies are taught through developmentally appropriate learning activities. Behavioral responses are monitored and shaped to the highest possible level for each learner. Reinforcers are delivered for correct adaptive responses, thus increasing the probability of more correct desired responses. The learning curve is monitored, and as it becomes a natural integrated part of the learner’s repertoire, assistance and reinforcement schedules are faded.The use of the ABC model:
Every behavior has an antecedent and is followed by a consequence.
A = antecedent
B = behavior
C = consequence
Reinforced behaviors increase. Clinicians are trained to document the patterns of behavior in order to develop individual behavior plans.
Functional Behavioral Analysis (FBA) techniques are used to determine the reason, or the function of behaviors so that the written plans can be created for a team to follow. A Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) is then created to produce an effective learning curve. This process of learning creates behavioral change. That is the premise of CBT. FBA’s are written with antecedent management strategies and consequence management strategies. These plans are shared with parents and caregivers so that consistency across providers can occur creating a safe and predictable environment for the child.
The staff at the Holistic Learning Center of Maui are available to consult with families and school districts to develop strategies that best fit the family and classroom culture. Please feel free to call for further information or click here to contact us.
Sound Healing with Trinfinity 8 and Ascension 11 Fractal Technology
Imagine relaxing on a massage table with headphones on, and listening to music that has sound fractals specifically for your needs. A set of music can be created for your health goals, or you may choose a premade set list for a specific healing protocol. Sessions can be from 35-60 minutes. Clients have amazing testimonials both after the session and even days later. See www.Trinfinity8.com for details and to learn the story of creator Kathy Forti, who now lives here on Maui.
Contrast Therapy: Cold Plunge and Nordic Sauna
Are you ready to experience what cold baths and hot saunas can do for you? Here are some health benefits:
- improved circulation and overall cardiovascular health,
- reduced inflammation and recover more quickly from injuries,
- elevated mood,
- boosted immune system
- assist with fat burning and weight loss
- speed up metabolism
- heightened focus
- become increasingly calm and resilient
Moving from a warm sauna to a 41 degree ice bath may be for you! Starting with a glass of electrolyte water and guided breathwork, a facilitator assists you through the contrast therapy loop so you feel invigorated, creative and frankly, more “alive.”
This therapy is not for everyone, so consult with your doctor and fill out the required intake form below.